
Sunday, October 20, 2013

National Gallery

I have returned from a hellish week of obsessive reading, midterm papers, and perpetual exhaustion. But, I have come out refreshed, satisfied, and ready to get back in the tourism game!!

I have a few different events to blog about, so instead of creating an extra-long blog post, I'm going to do separate posts on each of the three events, so you don't get a butt cramp from sitting to read my extra long blog post.

On Monday, I took a break from studying and went to the National Gallery of Ireland, or NGI. It's the big art museum right next to Merrion Square Park; I've passed it several times, and I've been anxious to visit. Plus, it was free, so I figured, why not!

I'm sorry to say it, but I was very disappointed... I suppose I'm spoiled because the Cleveland Museum of Art has a series of SPECTACULAR collections of all different media from all over the world. The NGI had mostly realism paintings and a few (I really mean a few) sculptures from Europe only. Don't get me wrong, it was nice to see, but I got very bored very quickly, and it only took me about forty minutes to see everything. I did enjoy some paintings, and I took some pictures of my favorites, so enjoy them!

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